In 1844 , German physician Heinrich Hoffmann published a poem called Fidgety Philip; which tells the story of a young boy who simply cannot sit still, and the agony his parents feel as they struggle to cope. Philip is said to be the first documented example of Attention Deficit Disorder.

Fidgeting has long been viewed as a sign of distraction.

Each of us has our own optimal level of arousal for maintaining focus.. When our brains feel under-aroused, it seeks secondary sensory-motor stimulation; playing with your pen while you ponder a question, listening to background music while you work,  spinning your key-ring while you wait for the elevator, sipping your coffee while you sit on hold, leaning back in your desk chair, rocking back on one stool leg are all examples of fidgeting in pursuit of optimal alertness.  It happens on a subconscious level.

We fidget to Increase neural stimulation

Restlessness is your brain craving sensory-motor input; its your brain telling you it wants stimulation. 

Do you get your best ideas in the shower? While you’re working out or walking in the park?

Fidgeting is defined as moving about restlessly in a way that is not essential to the task.

It is ok to fidget, as long as you are mindful of and respectful of others around you.

Your choice of coping strategy has to be appropriate for the situation.

Please Fidget Responsibly

Read more about Fidgeting

Fidgety Philip

Wikipedia Fidgeting Page

Wikipedia Stimming Page

Fidget to Focus

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